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Comprehensive Plumbing Services in Tulare, CA

From active leaks to proactive interventions, when you need quality plumbing solutions, you need Parker & Parker Plumbing. With services backed by dependability and integrity, we are a premier source for residential and commercial plumbing services in Tulare, CA. Trust in our expertise to protect your home or business.

A Plumber Fixing a Kitchen Sink in Visalia, California

Dependable Plumbing Solutions for Properties of All Types

In business for over 42 years, Parker & Parker Plumbing is known for quality service. Using advanced diagnostic tools and continuous training, our experts are equipped to tackle plumbing malfunctions and upgrades for properties of all types. From single-family homes to large-scale businesses, we have you covered.

Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services in Tulare, CA

Whether your pipes have seen better days or you’re navigating a persistent drain problem, Parker & Parker Plumbing is readily available to resolve your plumbing concerns. Our commercial and residential plumbing services include:

  • Plumbing repair services
  • Plumbing replacements and upgrades
  • New plumbing fixture installation
  • Preventative plumbing maintenance

Water Heaters

Don’t settle for unreliable hot water and outrageous utility bills. Invest in sustainable comfort, efficiency, and cost savings with Parker & Parker Plumbing. We provide full-service water heater repair, replacement, and new installation in Tulare, CA.

Leak Detection & Repair

Unexplainable dripping sounds, elevated water bills, and puddles surrounding plumbing fixtures indicate a plumbing leak. To solve these problems, choose Parker & Parker Plumbing. Using advanced leak detection technology, we excel at identifying and addressing small and widespread leaks to restore the efficiency of residential and commercial plumbing systems.

Drain Cleaning

Slow to no drain function is a nuisance. Parker & Parker Plumbing provides advanced drain cleaning solutions to improve the performance of your drains and pipes. These maintenance strategies are the key to unlocking sustainable drain performance, a healthier plumbing system, and total peace of mind.

Bathroom Plumbing Upgrades & Repairs

From outdated fixtures to irreversible damage, bathroom upgrades and repairs are bound to happen. To secure cost-effective service and results that exceed your expectations, entrust your bathroom modifications to Parker & Parker Plumbing. We provide toilet, shower, tub, and sink installation, repair, and maintenance in Tulare, CA.

Water Filtration

Water is the lifeblood of any home. However, it’s important to have the right water system in place. To keep the risks of contamination and the discomforts of hard water to a minimum, we provide whole-house water filtration system installation, repair, and maintenance in Tulare, CA.

Slab Leak Detection

Slab leaks are among the most intricate plumbing concerns. Hidden beneath your property, these issues often remain under the radar until they spiral into major problems. To avoid structural damage and the associated financial burdens, schedule comprehensive slab leak detection and repair with Parker & Parker Plumbing.

Trenchless Sewer Line Repair & Maintenance

A compromised sewer line is more than a headache. These issues pose a severe risk to occupants, structural elements, and even the environment. Parker & Parker Plumbing provides full-service, trenchless sewer line repair, replacement, and maintenance solutions to detect and correct these malfunctions before they escalate.

Your Property, Our Priority

There is no substitution for experience. That’s why property owners in Tulare, CA, entrust their residential and commercial plumbing services to Parker & Parker Plumbing. Backed by over 40 years of industry expertise, competitive rates, and a reputation for responsive, high-value service, count on us for the utmost precision and professionalism.

Call Us to Secure Expert Plumbing Services

If you’re ready to improve your plumbing system, you’ve come to the right place. Get ahead of disruptive breakdowns and costly repairs with Parker & Parker Plumbing in Tulare, CA. Contact our friendly team today for an estimate for commercial or residential plumbing services.

Schedule Your Appointment Today